Story time #5

Blood mountain. Do I need to say more? Indeed I do. There is a 7 mile stretch that goes up and over Blood Mountain that you need a bear canister to stay at the shelter on Blood Mountain and in those 7 miles. Between Gooch Mountain Shelter I did that section in two days doing 3.5/4 miles each day and […]

Story Time #4 I think

This is where every thing went “south”. It was April 1st and it was my first full day on the AT. What happen could class as a April’s Fools or lack of hiker preparation with Guthook, trail guide that works with the hiker’s phone eternal GPS. Or it could be both. I ended up getting lost. Between not having Guthook […]

Story Time. Stubborn

As you can guess this one is on my stubbornness/thickhead/ornery. You can see it in the words of my mom as she did up an update, while I was working on mine: “She started on the 31st in cold, pouring rain. The ranger at Amacalola state park (Georgia) strongly suggested to drive up to the falls as the 604 steps […]

Story Time

This Story Time is on the two times where I was scared and both times I was over 4,000 feet and exposed area. One was free style rock climbing and other was thunderstorms and 30 mph wind gusts. These two moments were I was really scared I dont know how to describe or how to tell you how or why […]

Story Time

Out of 380.5 miles I have never seen a bear. Though I would love to see a bear………. In the Smokies there was 3 instances where a bear came in the camping area. This instance that I’m just about to tell you I didn’t tell my parents and my man because I knew they would go into over protective stress […]

This is the last update on the AT.

#1 15.5 (5/20) #2 14.7(5/13) #3 14.6 (5/9) #4 12.9 5/25 #5 12.6 (5/8) #6 11 (5/17) #7 10.7 (4/27). #8 10.6 (5/22). #9 10.1 (5/21) Im coming home. I’m done with the trail. Ever since Uncle Johnny’s in Erwin, it’s been down hill. I just want the creature comforts of sleeping in a bed, taking a shower more than […]

Somewhere on the AT #6

#1 15.5 (5/20) #2 14.7(5/13) #3 14.6 (5/9) #4 12.6 (5/8) #5 11 (5/17) #6 10.7 (4/27). #7 10.6 (5/22). #8 10.1 (5/21) Really missing my grandpa and it doesn’t help that I can’t see his grave around Memoral Day and our Birthday this year and have to wait till I get home from the AT. And it didn’t help […]

Somewhere on the AT #5

I know, I know this update is late. You ladies and gents are chomping at the bit to know how my hike is going. From the NOC, Nantahala Outdoor Center, to Fontana Dam the terrain was harder than thought and it was to hard for me to start cranking out big miles that I want and was making me feel […]


Georgia Georgia Georgia. The only thing that comes to mind is “You are a mean one Mr. Grinch” from How The Grinch Stole Christmas. The whole 78.1 was brutal. Steep inclines and decents with rocks and roots that you have to deal with and move slowly so you won’t have to injure yourself or worse. You have my mental state […]